“ This was the most beautiful week in bali with the best accommodations. every single detail was beyond perfect, i highly recommend this to anyone and can’t wait to go back !!!”
Sosi Curiacopoulos, New York, USA
“ This is my third trip with essential Retreat Organizer and our group leaders from USA to baBi. In my opinion they made my experiences every year better and better. Definitely I highly recommend their services if you are planning a retreat.”
Melva Colon, Miami, USA
“ I am a yoga instructor and a natural vision improvement teacher. I’ve just come back from Bali where i ran a vision improvement and yoga retreat with my team. We hired Essential Retreat Organizer and It was excellent! Veronica and Yulia were in charge of everything, We didn’t need to worry about food, accommodation, excursions, etc so We could focus on the training and on enjoying our time off. In addition, always I needed something, I just contacted them and They replied in short time.
We were also very happy with the hotel, food and services in general. People were kind and friendly, and the Hotel was amazing, clean and with an excellent service.
Highly recommended!!”
Marina Montiel, Spain
“ Viví y disfruté inolvidables momentos… gracias a ti, Veronica Barcala por tu compañía y tus sabios consejos… estarán siempre guardados en un rinconcito de mi corazón… deseando repetir!!!”
Maria Jose Moreno, Spain
“ Fue una de mis experiencias mas maravillosas! Gracias totales Vero! Por tu planificación, entrega, diaponibilidad, amabilidad, profesionalismo, hiciste que sea absolutamente feliz! Gracias!! Abrazo al alma!”
Liz Catini, Argentina
“ Después de tres semanas de mi llegada, tengo que decir que es uno de los viajes más completos y especiales que he hecho… los Hoteles, los transfers, las actividades, el yoga, la purificación… todo ha sido espectacular!!! Pero lo mejor de todo es el estar a miles de kilómetros de tu casa y que Verónica y su equipo te hagan sentir como en casa. Se han ocupado de todo momento de nosotras haciendo un viaje maravilloso, diferente y único y con mucha espitualidad. Sois geniales todos y gracias por todo y más… Sabés que volveré porque si ya estaba enamorada de Bali gracias a ti ese enamoramiento ya no tiene palabras para explicar la sensación que me queda después del viaje!!!! Un besuco desde Cantabria!!!”
Marta Cruz Singla, Cantabria, Spain
“ Increíble experiencia!!! Vivimos junto a amigas un momento mágico, fabuloso. Vero nos acompañó a diferentes lugares, siempre guiándonos y enseñándonos todo lo que tenemos que saber a la hora de sumergirnos en esta aventura. Fuimos a Water bBessing, nos movilizó como amigas, seguir el ritual de la mano de Vero lo hizo aún más increíble. nos sentimos muy afortunadas de haber encontrado en nuestro paso por Bali una Empresa así, que nos permita vivir la magia de otra manera”
Vale Raban, Argentina
“ Gracias Veronica! Tuvimos un viaje maravilloso gracias a tu organizacion! Todos los lugares, Hoteles y recomendaciones fueron acertadas. Trabajas con un equipo maravilloso. Gracias otra vez!!!”
Elizabeth Muñoz Castro, Peru
“ Veronica and Yulia were simply wonderful, organizing a kundalini Retreat that I was part of, last March. Caring, always in the best of mood, always available and always there to throw a good laugh. Thank you to you both for helping making this two weeks Retreat magical.”
Myriane Bessette, Canada
“ Veronica is wonderfully passionate ,super attentive open minded and always willing to assist … “
Desiree Ferrari, London
“ Thank you Veronica for your professionalism, for sure I will reccomend you and engage your services again in the near futute. Seamless experience. “
Sonia Beatriz Ortega, Australia
“ Veronica and Yulia recently assisted us in co-ordinating our first Bali retreat. Right from the very first email working with Veronica has been an absolute breeze! She is very efficient and organised, and has an abundance of ideas constantly streaming out of her!
We were initially nervous about running this retreat, but having such a great team on the ground in Bali completely put our minds at ease. We can’t wait for our next 2 retreats working alongside these ladies in 2018. ”
April Butt, Australia
“ Veronica organizó para nosotros un fantástico viaje en Bali, conoce todo a la perfección y los sitios a los que nos llevó fueron maravillosos. Como persona da gusto estar con ella. La recomendaría siempre sin lugar a dudas. “
Relax & Culture Program Bali
Lorena Mercedes, Spain
“ Un experiencia única, estar tan lejos de casa y sentirte como en ella . Todo fue muy organizado y gratificante. Pocas palabras buenas he dicho para lo bien que lo pasamos.
Muchas gracias Verónica Barcala “
Spirituality & Adventure Program Bali
Juan Brenes, Spain
“ Estuvimos hace unos años y todo fue maravilloso, el trato, la organizacion y todo el amor y cariño que Veronica Barcala le pone a todo! Para repetir sin duda alguna! Con muchas ganas de volver.“
Spirituality & Culture Program
Irina Andrades, Spain
“ I visited Bali with my mother and my little sister in March of 2016. I must say that it was one of the most magical experiences I have had in my whole life. Before going there I really didn’t know what to expect, as I had never visited Asia before. But it turned out to be everything I had hoped for and more, due to the perfect organisation by the Essential Retreat Organiser. The things that impressed me the most during my two week stay were the treetop adventure park in the Bali Botanical Garden, all the beautiful temples such as the Tirta Empul and the view from the rice and coffee plantations. But the experience that I enjoyed the most were the two nights we spent in the Good Karama Bungalows in Amed.
The bungalows were little huts directly by the beach which were very basically equipped. In the mornings the fishermen would drive their boats out from the beach to fish and then bring them back, which was the biggest spectacle, as they returned with the sunrise and had to pull the boats onto shore by sole man power. We also went snorkelling on the beach and saw some beautiful fish in the corals. I must say that Bali really opened my eyes to a whole new world and that it has made me eager to visit Asia again. “
Yoga & Adventure Program Bali
Miriam Brenes, Germany
“ Veronica is amazing she makes you feel right at home. Throughout the retreat experience there are times you need someone to talk to who can be supportive,trustworthy and understanding ,Veronica will be there for you, always available when you need her . Veronica also is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to essential oils ask her for her mini essential oil talk . So if you are following your dream and plan on a grand Yoga experience. Veronica will help you live your dream! I was in Bali in November 2016. Now I teach yoga and Iam still in touch with the friends I made at the Awaken Life retreat. Good Times! “
Yoga Teacher Training Bali
Rosemary Manziano, USA
“ I had an amazing experience in Bali, thanks to Essential Retreat! I highly recommend them because everything was well organised and the hotels, yoga teachers, the food was all excellent which make my holiday an absolute pleasure. Looking forward to doing it all again soon! “
Yoga & Healthy Lifestyle Program Bali
Vanessa Lobon, UK
“ It was one of the greatest experiences of my life! “
Yoga Teacher Training Bali
Justin Plez, USA
“ Empecé mi primera experiencia de viaje en solitario en la isla de Bali, y he tenido la suerte de contar con Veronica para enseñarme una experiencia diferente:yoga, Ayurveda y surf en un contexto maravilloso.
Una gran compañía y muy conocedora de los pequeños lugares de la isla, aquellos que no muestran las guías de viaje, así como los que si.
Muchas gracias por todo. Repetiré seguro!! “
Yoga, Surf & Ayurveda Program Bali
Nuria Carrasco Herraez, Spain
“ Hey Veronica!! We Here At IAMA Herbs & Treatments Amorgos ,and all the people you associate with on this island love you and appreciate a lot the efficiency combined with humanness and humor…. to say the least!! Trully Essential!! “
IAMA Herbal Amorgos, Greece
“ A magical experience to say the least. Full of adventure, laughter and love. I always felt safe and could depend on Veronica for whatever I needed. “
Yoga Teacher Training Bali
Jeneesa Jackson, USA
“ Viví y disfruté inolvidables momentos… Gracias a ti, Veronica Barcala por tu compañía y tus sabios consejos… Estarán siempre guardados en un rinconcito de mi corazón… Deseando repetir!!! “
Spirituality & Cultural Program
Maria Jose Moreno, Spain
“ Veronica is simply amazing at what she does! While at my yoga teacher training in Bali she organized some of the greatest experiences of my life. She goes above & beyond just having great taste, she’s a wonderful person to know and fun to be around. “
Yoga Teacher Training Bali
Jacque Grassmick, USA
“ Tuve la suerte de visitar Bali hace unos años de la mano de esta gran profesional que nos organizó un viaje increíble. Fue un viaje mágico donde vivimos muchas aventuras, nos empapamos de la cultura balinesa y además encontramos bienestar, paz y relajación que tanto ansiamos y que no nos damos cuenta que se puede encontrar hasta que los tienes. En este viaje no solo haces turismo, sino que descubres cosas que antes ni pensabas a través de la meditación y el yoga, te conoces un poco más y conectas contigo mismo.
Para todo el que quiera desconectar y disfrutar de unos días inolvidables dedicados a ti mismo y a mimarte os recomiendo que os pongáis en contacto con Verónica, una gran persona que te atiende como si formaras parte de su familia, que tiene un humor increíble y que va hacer todo lo posible para que disfrutes y te lleves lo mejor de esta experiencia.Gracias por todo. Un saludo y un abrazo enorme! “
Spirituality & Cultural Program
Rosana Quiros, Spain
“ I had such a fantastic time in Bali for 7 weeks. I attended a 500 hour YTT that Veronica organized along with the yoga school, and assisted on. It was so refreshing to have someone on board who is so passionate about what they do. She ensured that everything ran so smoothly. Her local knowledge meant that we had a really authentic Balinese experience.
We got to visit so many beautiful places on our time off, and met the nicest people. Nothing was ever too much trouble to her. I will definitely return to Bali and will be consulting Essential Retreat Organizer for sure. Highly recommend. “
Yoga Teacher Training Bali
Jill O’Neil, Ireland
“ I have had the pleasure and honour to experience Veronica’s service on two occasions and even work alongside her once. I was a student for the yoga teacher training she coordinates in Candidasa, and also an assistant for one of the trainings with her. Veronica gives all of her attention to the task at hand, has incredible work ethics and makes sure the experience she creates runs seamlessly, paying attention to every little detail only a very experienced and caring person like her could notice.
Her expertise with local knowledge and ability to coordinate with small local businesses enabled us all to have very authentic experiences you might not have with any other agency. Beyond her professional skills, she is full of energy, has such a caring and compassionate personality and can naturally make anyone feel at ease. I look forward for our paths to cross again, for she is truly amazing! I highly recommend you to get in touch with her for your experience, you have every reason to do so!
Yasmin “
Yoga Teacher Training Bali
Yasmin Z Heideger, Switzerland
“ Dirijo una agencia de viajes para mujeres, mujeres que quieren desconectar, alejarse de la rutina, y encontrarse a sí mismas.
Conocí a Verónica Barcala, quien dirige Essential Retreat Organizer, hace años, mediante un compañero de la profesión que tenemos en común, y la verdad es que ha sido el mejor hallazgo para mi empresa.
Cada año ofrezco un viaje a Bali donde se forman grupitos de chicas que viajan solas y he de decir que todas vuelven encantadas del trato, profesionalidad y saber hacer de Verónica. Tiene toda mi confianza, sé que con ella están en buenas manos, en conocer la isla de otra manera, y de disfrutar de la gran experiencia que tiene combinando cultura, welness y sensaciones.
Gracias Verónica por todo, eres una gran profesional. “
Carolina Esteller, Mujer y Viajera , Spain
“ Best Organization plus Best Destination : Essential Magic !!! “
Vangelis Vassalos, Greece
“ Sólo me salen palabras de agradecimiento para Verónica Barcala, una enorme profesional pero sobre todo gran persona que hace las cosas con el corazón y eso nunca puede salir mal. Para todo el que me lea, si tienes pensado viajar a Bali y quieres que te recomienden, organicen y/o faciliten tu estancia, no lo dudes y contacta aquí, no te arrepentiras!!“
Yoga, Surf & Ayurveda Prorgam
Carolina Torrijos, Madrid, Spain
“ Lejos la mejor experiencia que he tenido en viajes, muchas gracias Verónica!!! Un encanto de persona, muy buena guía y organizadora de tour, retiros….siempre con algo especial bajo la manga que hace tu día y experiencia muy especial.
Si quieren venir a Bali, no duden en contactar a Verónica, ella les organizará la experiencia de sus vidas!! “
Yoga, Surf & Ayurveda Program
Carolina Arce, Santiago, Chile
“ Es la segunda vez que viajo a con vosotros a Bali!! Una fue en 2011 y en 2016 y volvería a repetir sin duda…cada vez que vuelvo de allí vengo con las pilas recargadas, lo recomendaría 100% a todo el mundo. Muchas gracias Veronica por tu profesionalidad!!! “
Spirituality & Adventure Program
Juanma Quirós, Marbella, Spain
“ Thank you Veronica, for my personalised yoga retreat – the classes were just what I needed, as was the time to slow down and reflect. I learnt new things, took away techniques that I’m using daily, the venue was just perfect, as was your attention to detail and I really enjoyed spending time with you and your colleagues and sharing laughter and friendship. “
Personalized Yoga & Relaxation Retreat
Cathy Lyons, Perth, Australia
“ Veronica is wonderful. I highly recommend her services to create a great trip. She is an intent listener, and from there she will tailor an experience to meet your needs. She is knowledgeable, thoughtful, and experienced and lots of fun! “
Margie Young, San Francisco, California, USA
“ Era mi primer viaje sola, quería ir “a lejos”.
Buscaba un destino, buscaba una forma… Me topé con Bali. El nombre ya era lo bastante exótico como para sentir que me iba lejos de casa y el programa parecía fantástico, yoga, surf, ayurveda…
Pocas expectativas, que me sorprendiera el mundo, El único objetivo era hacer lo que sintiera el alma en cada momento
Y llegamos a Bali, un grupo de felices mujeres con ganas de vacaciones tras largas horas por los cielos del Planeta.
Han sido unos días llenos de imágenes, de colores, de olores, de sabores, de felices sonrisas que te llegan al corazón.
Solo tengo palabras de agradecimiento para Verónica y su equipo que en todo momento estuvieron atentas a las necesidades del grupo, abiertas a cualquier cambio y compartiendo su vida diaria en la isla con nosotras, haciéndonos sentir que “Balilovale” y que, con humor la vida es más bella todavía.
Gracias por hacer de mi particular búsqueda viajera, un fácil encuentro conmigo misma y con la vida en su máximo esplendor. “
Yoga, Surf & Ayurveda Program
Magda Jové, Barcelona, Spain
“ You ROCK! Working with you for 4 years now creating unique itineraries each and every time that are over the top amazing. Thank you for all that you contribute to make our retreats a wonderful experience for all. “
Wendi Blum, Author, Speaker & Consultant. USA
“ A must must must do!!! If you are ever considering traveling to Bali, you need to contact this amazing human being! Veronica Barcala is the best of the best when it comes to planning out the perfect Bali experience!! Check out her company Essential Retreat Organizer for your next Bali trip planning!!
You and your company are fantastic!!! We had the time of our lives because of the excellent itinerary you coordinated for us! I definitely recommend anyone interested in vacationing overseas to use your services! Thank You!!! “
Erika Obando, Designer, Speaker & Mentor. USA
“ Fui a Bali buscando armonía, buscando la fuerza que hacía tiempo se había escondido dentro de mí, mi propia energía que estaba sepultada debajo de capas de tristeza y de estrés. Verónica Barcala, mi guía para este viaje, organizó una experiencia a mi medida. Me preparó un programa detox combinado con yoga, meditación y con una serie de visitas purificadoras a varios templos y cascadas de la isla.
Uno de los momentos más inolvidables fue la visita al templo de las aguas sagradas donde, siguiendo el rito balinés, mis hijas, Verónica y yo vestidas con el sarón dorado les llevamos ofrendas a los dioses para que nos limpiaran el alma. Bajamos las escaleras de piedra volcánica en silencio rodeadas de bambú y de manantiales hasta la primera parada donde nos lavamos los pies, la cara y la nuca. Después, en la segunda hicimos las ofrendas y meditamos un rato. Y finalmente, nos metimos en un arroyo formado por dos cascadas que manaban de la roca. Al meter la cabeza en el primer chorro de agua yo dejé allí los malos ratos pasados, las malas memorias y toda la energía negativa acumulada durante años a fuerza de gritos. Siguiendo el ritual, pasé a la segunda cascada donde pegué mi espalda en la roca y mirando hacia delante sentí que me comunicaba con una fuerza espiritual purificadora inmensa que me abría un nuevo horizonte y entre la música del agua escuché la risa de mi padre.
Desde entonces me siento muy bien. Encontré la paz que anhelaba.
Gracias Verónica por ser la mejor guía del mundo mundial! “
Detox & Spiritual Program
Ana Brenes, Spanish Teacher at Munich International School
“ Veronica was a pleasure to work with and a total pro! We brought our group of 30 adventurers to Bali and she was amazing at understanding and translating our mission and what we wanted to experience. Every hotel, site and excursion were beyond our expectations. She is a very skilled planner, communicator and listener. I highly recommend working with Veronica.
Rebecca S. – Destination Bliss for David Wolfe Adventures “
Rebecca Stuchen – David Wolf Adventures, Arizona, USA
“ I wanted to thank you for your fantastic organization, your commitment and your good work. It was an experience unforgettable. You made us feel at home and I felt a very much appreciated security in a country completely unknown to me. Your great knowledge of the island, its customs, its values, its people, etc.. has provided a great added value to our trip.
It is written here that if I return to Bali, or someone around me decides to travel to “your island”, I will recommend you with great peace and security that everything will be perfect. “
Meditation & Culture Program
Maite Marti, Barcelona – Spain
“ Firstly thank you for your kindness to the group and the attention you have given us all the time, as well as for your interest to get us closer to a culture so different from ours. Also, let you know that is a plus that you speak English, Spanish and Indonesian. I think it was very good for the group so everyone could understand as at the same time local Balinese people was closer and more open to us.
As for the organization, I think you have everything well organized : transfers , hotels, activities , meals, …
You had a great capacity to adapt , listening and accepting our proposals while maintaining the overall structure of the itinerary that you had scheduled.
The hotels are excellent from my point of view, the retreat centre is great for people who want to devote to meditation, yoga, do some retirement, … because it is located in a privileged place where you easy contact with yourself. The friendliness of the workers and the interest shown in wanting to help, is much appreciated. The cottages are very comfortable and the food is very good.The traditional resort in Candidasa is a very nice hotel. Workers are also very friendly, and the food is fine. (…)
Mother Temple is spectacular, and I liked having the volcano view worth seeing.
Finally, would like to mention that Chayanne is the ideal conductor for the trip we took. He knows a lot about the island, speaks Spanish and has a great sense of humor. He has been always watching us and helped us in everything. “
Meditation & Culture Program
Marta Urpinell, Kuala Lumpur – Malaysia
“ I want to express my great satisfaction with the services provided to our company. They helped us to organize a spiritual and educational event attended by 54 participants from China. I found the staff very professional, hardworking, attentive and easy to communicate with. I would recommend to any company that needs assistance in organizing events in the beautiful island of Bali, to use their services. With their hard work they have earned my trust and appreciation. “
Dayubindu – Counselor, Psychologist & Instructor
David Blanco, Hong Kong – China
“ Using Essential Retreat Organizer to be our “on the ground” contact in Bali gave us a huge advantage to be able to find the right venue, at the right time, for the right price. There is no way we could have done it without them. All while working with them, we knew they were acting in our best interest, and being a true business partner and friend. We highly recommend them for their services for your retreat, training, or program in Bali. “
Recharge Retreats / Awakened Life School of Yoga
Liz Carey & Chris Sabido, New York – USA
“ The services that Essential Retreat Organizer offers are extraordinary, with the good knowledge Veronica has of the land, the people and the culture, it becomes a real treat to be in her hands for programs that have the balance of body, mind, exploring, discovering and knowing.“
Miriam Subirana – Coach, Lecturer, Author and Artist. Trainer in Appreciative Inquiry
Miriam Subirana, Barcelona, Spain
“ Sending love to a fabulous team! Thank you for all the loving support and energy you are putting into helping True Retreats with Vanessa Jean to create the perfect week-long retreat in the mystical and magical Bali. You are fabulous, we highly recommend you and your services; you certainly go above and beyond to co-create the perfect retreat. “
EarthQuest Institute
Vanessa Jean Boscarello Ovens, Perth – Australia
“ As a company that puts on multiple personal development and meditation seminars every year, we decided we wanted to try something a little different and combine our transformational coursework with a customized tour to an exotic, spiritually-rich destination. The beautiful island of Bali called to us, so we got to work with the arrangements and before we knew it had 25 people signed up. (…..), within two weeks, had all of the accommodations confirmed at absolutely stunning resort centers featuring warm and professional staff and true wellness-oriented environments at very affordable prices.
(…) we also had a lovely itinerary with various cultural excursions planned, morning yoga sessions, massages and more,(…) We, the organizers, had never been to Bali before and were taking a large and diverse group of travelers to a third-world country, and were delighted with how everything turned out. The participants, too, were more than pleased – almost half signed up on the spot for our next destination event a year from then, which, if you’re familiar with the seminar industry, is quite the conversation rate! “
Morter Institute & HealthCenter
Andrea Townley, Indiana – USA
“ Bali, destino para disfrutar de la naturaleza. Una unión de la Selva y el Mar increíble. Verónica, eres la acompañante ideal. Has sido como una más del grupo. Has respetado los tiempos, organizado a medida y qué decirte, con ese toque andaluz nos has hecho sentirnos como en casa. Acompañante ideal para este tipo de viajes. “
Manolo Perea Blanco, Córdoba, Spain
“ Gracias Verónica, por tu compañía, por tu simpatía y tu sonrisa, por compartir tus conocimientos de Bali. Gracias, hasta pronto.”
Meditation & Culture Program
Isabel Mossatses, Barcelona, Spain
“ Me ha encantado tu forma de ser, el como te has volcado con nosotros al 200%. Increíble!! He conocido a una española en Bali maravillosa y genial. Tengo una amiga en Asia y todo al que me pida consejo para viajar por esa parte del mundo les daré tu correo. Muchas gracias Verónica por todo. “
Meditation & Culture Program
Tony Paloma, Barcelona, Spain
“ I would be very happy in recommending your services in future to anyone needing similiar guidance as myself. I really enjoyed the Spiritual Healing Week , my accommodation at the Spiritual Mountain Retreat in East Bali and the program in place for the week. The staff they have are really nice and helpful. So wonderful suggestion. Any future return trip would probably see me return there and to the East Coast. Thank you for your gift and time. “
Mary Derry, Dublin – Ireland