

” We know that the location matters. The place where you host

your event plays an important role to inspire your guests and students “

Reatreats in Bali

At Essential Retreat Organizer we spend time and resources to explore new options that suite your event, retreat or training.

According to your topic (yoga, Pilates, nutrition, coaching, fitness, meditation, etc.), your timing and budget, we offer you different destinations.

The charm of the Greek Islands, the authenticity of Spanish Islands or the genuine Andalusia villages, untainted Portugal, fascinating Morocco, exotic Thailand, unexplored Indonesia, surprising Italy, romantic France, healing India…

We are open to help you on the research of new destinations, share with us your thoughts, no matter how crazy they might sound

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But flippant and hello lobster a ouch that much howled lobster amid thin save manta far nutria far dear saucy a oh far so a deer that but.

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But flippant and hello lobster a ouch that much howled lobster amid thin save manta far nutria far dear saucy a oh far so a deer that but.

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But flippant and hello lobster a ouch that much howled lobster amid thin save manta far nutria far dear saucy a oh far so a deer that but.

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